Evocative Soul

Spiritual Direction

What can I expect in a typical spiritual direction session?

As a spiritual director, I particularly feel called to work with people facing major life transitions—those searching for meaning, what nourishes and sustains them, and those searching for greater clarity. As we share our sacred space, I often realize how blessed I am to witness the grace—and feelings of lightness, heaviness, and occasional tears—bestowed on directees during our time together. Sharing important issues in each monthly session, the directee and I are not alone, however. Like most spiritual directors, I invite the presence of a third chair amongst us: the presence of God, the Holy, the Divine Spirit (or whatever designation you prefer).


In this confidential space, in a non-directive way, directees are given the chance to face certain crossroads, or turning points, in their lives, no matter how major or trivial they may seem. Some feel lost as they seek answers to existential and spiritual questions. Through stillness, and a purposeful, peaceful presence, directees are guided through a discernment process that may help them see more clearly. Discernment helps people make important decisions regarding their life purpose, profession, place of living or worship, identities, families, friends, work-life balance, spiritual growth, sexuality, goals, etc.


A typical directee may be struggling to find balance in their life while working full-time, raising a family, and caring for elderly parents. Another directee might be facing retirement, grieving the loss of a partner, close friend or pet, or dealing with chronic illness. Another might have a goal such as writing and publishing a book, yet they lack the confidence and discipline to move forward. I particularly welcome those who have been deeply hurt by the rigidity of certain cultures, ideologies, religious traditions and institutions, such as members of the LGBTQIA+ community, like me. I also welcome directees from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds, as well as the neurodiverse (including ADHD) communities.


Trained in the evocative, non-directive style of spiritual direction, I strive to deeply listen to directees’ stories and what issues come up each month; from how they connect with God, the Holy, the Divine, or however they prefer to name the all-encompassing source of wisdom. I respect numerous religious and spiritual practices, such as prayer, meditation, and rituals. Working with directees from many backgrounds, I feel honored to witness growth in their faith, and lives, from multiple perspectives.


Lastly, I chose the name Evocative Soul because I feel called to create a sacred space to help people connect with the Divine while seeking within their souls a deeper meaning in their lives. As we explore areas for discernment together, directees often reach greater clarity. Moreover, as a teacher of contemplative practices and creative expression, I lead seekers on personalized journeys and group retreats, helping them unleash their creative selves in a spiritual way, which grounds them holistically—in mind, body, and spirit.

       We are proud to be open and affirming to the LGBTQIA+ community

Source: https://www.hrc.org/resources/lgbtq-pride-flags